Kaye Blue the Mob Boss Again Part Two Epub

photo: cbs

Bluish Bloods
Model Behavior

Original Air Date: April 8, 2011

Farrah Kaye – Sr. Editor

Terminal week, Linda was kidnapped. This calendar week, we go more than Linda when her niece is the star of a way evidence. Of grade it'south not that simple with the Reagan family when she collapses and slips into a coma.

In other news, Jamie tries to find out more than about Lydia and Frank deals with a church building scandal (sort of). Co-ordinate to Donnie Wahlberg's alive tweets, the season finale (May 13th), will complete the Blue Templar story, but if you run across how far Jamie gets this night, I'm not sure how that will happen so fast.

Linda goes to a fashion show where her niece, Sofie, is modeling. She wears a fancy dress to impress her hoity-toity sister Wendy and brings Erin and Nicky forth for support. Wendy and Linda don't become along very well considering of the ii dissimilar worlds they lead. Every bit the prove closes, Sofie, who earlier complained of having a stomachache, collapses on the stage, as does a reporter, Milli. Sofie gets rushed to the infirmary while Milli dies correct there on the floor. At first, Wendy blames herself for pushing Sofie to be a model. At the hospital, Atlanta, a mentor of Sofie's, comes to visit. The doctor informs everyone that Sofie was poisoned via a mushroom. Of class, Danny and Jackie have the case. They talk with Atlanta and find out at that place was a party the dark earlier the evidence at Milli's. While questioning Atlanta, her best friend/Sofie'south hair dresser Harry shows upward. They both say that "everybody" would want Milli dead, but not Sofie. They as well tell them that Sofie has a boyfriend, a rock star named Dorian.

Thanks to the modern beloved of reality TV, the entire party Milli threw was recorded. Before they lookout the DVD, Milli's assistant comes to the station with blackness optics. She admits to stealing from Milli, but that's it. She tells Danny and Jackie virtually how horrible Milli really was. She likewise tells them she saw Dorian, Sofie'due south young man, shaving "something" onto Sofie'due south risotto. Thank you to the DVD, they tin can check information technology out. While watching the video, they do see Dorian shaving something on to her nutrient. Milli wanted some simply Dorian wouldn't requite her any. When they both set down their plates, Milli takes Sofie's plate. They set out to find Dorian, who is partying in his apartment and flushing drugs downwards his toilet. Simply not just whatsoever drug – mushrooms.

Danny brings upwards shaving the mushroom into the risotto. Dorian says it's a truffle, not a poisonous mushroom. And the mushrooms he flushed were the psychedelic kind, non poisonous. Dorian also tells Danny that Sofie isn't actually his girlfriend, information technology was an arrangement. Sofie'south prototype gets a crash-land and Dorian gets to keep the fact that he'southward gay a secret. Not only is he gay, just he's really into Harry (the barber). Linda visits Sofie, who is nevertheless in a coma, and has a nice sisterly conversation with Wendy. By nice I mean Wendy kicks her out of the room and wants to be left solitary. The results on the poisonous mushrooms come back – they were from Morocco. Who was at that place recently? Harry. Jackie and Danny become to visit him only to detect he's committed suicide. Then they go to Dorian to tell him that Harry is dead and that Harry was a suspect. Winds upwardly Dorian was in Morocco with Harry at the aforementioned fourth dimension with Atlanta. They flew private though. They go to a photo shoot where they find Atlanta on the edge of a edifice, ready to spring. She goes on a rant about being 25 and her life being over and how she didn't hateful to injure anyone. She was simply trying to make Sofie sick by putting the mushrooms in her risotto and then she could close the show. She also told Harry if he told anyone, she would accuse him of accessory, which is why he killed himself. Danny finally gets her to come up down and arrests her. Linda visits Sofie again and Wendy and her finally have the center-to-heart they've needed all along. A true talk virtually who they are. Linda tells Wendy the dress she wore wasn't hers and that she wanted to print her and Wendy tells her she is a nifty mother. Deep downwardly the truly admire each other. Equally they're hugging, Sofie wakes upward.

Frank finds out that the Father at St. Luke's is beingness transferred to Bolivia. This isn't but whatsoever priest … he has been there for every bad and good moment in the Reagan's lives. Information technology's unsettling for both Frank and Henry. Frank goes to "confession" to see what's really going on and doesn't get anywhere. Frank goes higher up to discover out virtually this transfer. Winds upwards a mentally unstable church building goer is accusing him of "inappropriate beliefs – of the sexual nature." There'south no proof but everyone knows proof is not needed. Frank believes in the priest and asks the Bishop to face the problem caput on and go on Father McMurray at the church. Frank visits with Begetter McMurray who tells Frank everything that happened. The Begetter tells Frank that he's at peace just the Reagans, they're not. At Sun dinner, the family has a discussion about the church and all the programs that will suffer if the Father leaves. The Bishop finally decides not to have Father McMurray leave and volition fight the battle head on.

Jamie is using the NYPD internal internet to detect out information on Lydia Gonzales. The proper name comes up "restricted." Renzulli catches him and looks upwardly the history, makes a weird faces and walks away. Yep, that'south it.

Some other good episode although I was not happy that Jamie had such niggling screentime. If the Blue Templar storyline is supposed to wrap up on the season finale (which is just three episodes away), we're gonna need more than 30 seconds for it to be all figured out. I'm not a fan of having things merely thrown at me all at once. I was really glad to see Linda take a forepart story. Between last calendar week and this week, I feel like we're really getting to know more about this family. And although at offset I didn't understand why Frank, Henry, the Reagans (or the viewers) would care virtually Begetter McMurray and so much, later on hearing how much history he has with the family it made sense. Plus it makes sense to fight their issues head on.

What did you recollect? Practise yous think Renzulli has something to practice with the Blue Templars? Were y'all glad to run across Linda have a storyline finally? Leave your ii cents below.

And yes, that was Jordan Knight yous saw in the law station for a brief second.


Source: https://thetwocentscorp.wordpress.com/2011/04/09/blue-bloods-%E2%80%93-recap-review-%E2%80%93-model-behavior/

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