To Quickly Change the Shape of a Word Art Graphic Use the Text Effects Button in the Group

Lesson twenty: Shapes



You tin can add a variety of shapes to your document, including arrows, callouts, squares, stars, and flowchart shapes. Want to set your name and address apart from the rest of your resume? Use a line. Need to create a diagram showing a timeline or process? Use flowchart shapes. While you may non need shapes in every document you create, they can add visual appeal and clarity.

Optional: Download our exercise document.

Watch the video beneath to learn more than about shapes in Give-and-take.

To insert a shape:

  1. Select the Insert tab, then click the Shapes command. A drop-down menu of shapes will appear.
  2. Select the desired shape.

    Selecting a shape

  3. Click and drag in the desired location to add the shape to your document.

    Inserting a new shape

If you want, you tin can enter text in a shape. When the shape appears in your document, yous tin can begin typing. You can and then use the formatting options on the Home tab to change the font, font size, or color of the text.

Entering text in a shape

To change the society of shapes:

If one shape overlaps another, you may need to change the ordering so the correct shape appears in front. You lot can bring a shape to the front or send it to the back. If y'all have multiple images, you can use Bring to Front or Transport to Back to fine tune the ordering. You can likewise move a shape in forepart of or behind text.

  1. Right-click the shape you want to motility. In our example, nosotros desire the middle to appear behind the ribbon, then nosotros'll correct-click the heart.

    Right-clicking the shape

  2. In the carte du jour that appears, hover over Bring to Front or Ship to Back. Several ordering options will appear. Select the desired ordering option. In this instance, we'll cull Send to Dorsum.

    Selecting an ordering option

  3. The order of the shapes volition alter.

    The reordered shapes

In some cases, the ordering option you lot select volition not affect the ordering of the shapes. If this happens, try selecting the same selection once again or try a different choice.

If you have several shapes placed on top of each other, it may be difficult to select an individual shape. The Selection pane allows yous to select a shape and elevate information technology to a new location. To access the Selection pane, click Pick Pane on the Format tab.

Changing the order of a shape in the Selection Pane

To resize a shape:

  1. Select the shape you desire to resize. Sizing handles volition appear on the corners and sides of the shape.

    Clicking the shape

  2. Click and elevate the sizing handles until the shape is the desired size. You tin use the corner sizing handles to modify the shape'southward height and width at the same time.

    Resizing the shape

  3. To rotate the shape, click and drag the rotation handle.

    Rotating the shape

Some shapes as well have ane or more than yellow handles that can exist used to modify the shape. For instance, with banner shapes you can adjust the position of the folds.

Modifying the shape

Modifying shapes

Word allows you lot to modify your shapes in a variety of ways and then you can tailor them to your projects. You tin can modify a shape into a different shape, format a shape's style and colour, and add various furnishings.

To modify the shape style:

Choosing a shape style allows you to apply preset colors and effects to quickly change the appearance of your shape.

  1. Select the shape you want to alter.

    Selecting a shape

  2. On the Format tab, click the More than drib-down arrow in the Shape Styles grouping.

    Changing the shape style

  3. A drop-down menu of styles will announced. Select the fashion you lot want to utilize.

    Selecting a shape style

  4. The shape will announced in the selected style.

    The shape is formatted in the new style

To change the shape fill colour:

  1. Select the shape you lot want to change.

    Selecting a shape

  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Make full drop-down arrow. Select the color you want to use. To view more color options, select More than Make full Colors.

    Changing the shape fill color

  3. The shape will appear in the selected fill color.

    The shape is formatted with the new fill color

If you desire to use a different blazon of fill, select Slope or Texture from the drib-down menu. You can too select No Fill to make it transparent.

To change the shape outline:

  1. Select the shape you want to alter.

    Selecting a shape

  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Outline drop-downwardly arrow. The Shape Outline carte will appear.
  3. Select the color you want to employ. If y'all want to make the outline transparent, select No Outline.

    Changing the shape outline color

  4. The shape will appear in the selected outline colour.

    The shape is formatted with the new outline

From the drop-down card, you lot can change the outline color, weight (thickness), and whether it is a dashed line.

A thicker line

To add together shape effects:

  1. Select the shape you lot want to change.

    Selecting a shape

  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Furnishings drop-downwardly arrow. In the menu that appears, hover the mouse over the way of effect you lot want to add, then select the desired preset effect.

    Selecting a bevel style

  3. The shape volition appear with the selected effect.

    The shape with the selected effect.

To farther suit your shape furnishings, select Options at the stop of each menu. The Format Shape pane will appear, assuasive you to customize the effects.

The Format Shape pane.

To modify to a different shape:

  1. Select the shape yous desire to change. The Format tab will appear.

    Selecting a shape

  2. On the Format tab, click the Edit Shape command. In the carte that appears, hover the mouse over Change Shape, then select the desired shape.

    Changing a shape

  3. The new shape will announced.

    The new shape


  1. Open our practice certificate.
  2. On the right side of the page, insert a deject shape from the Basic shapes group. Hint: Shape names announced when you lot hover over them.
  3. Change the shape outline to grey.
  4. Change the shape make full to white.
  5. Under the Shape Effects driblet-downwardly bill of fare, add a Round  Bevel.
  6. On top of the cloud, insert a Sun shape from the Bones shapes group.
  7. Modify the shape manner to your choice of a Gilded style. Hint: Fashion names appear when you hover over them. Make sure the style proper noun has the word Gold in it.
  8. Send the sun shape backward so information technology is backside the cloud shape.
  9. If needed, move the cloud shape so the sun is peeking out from backside it.
  10. When y'all're finished, your image should wait something like this:

    Shapes Challenge



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